Tuesday, January 13, 2009

If socialites with a fake job could kill....

So, I'm watching the latest City as I type, and I am absolutely amazed at the ridiculousness of our very pretty, but very mean Olivia. I'm only to the portion where Whit-Whit is asked out by dude in front of EVERYONE at the DVF event.

HOWEVER - all I can focus on is Olivia! Is it because she's so pretty? Is it because she is a self-proclaimed "social" and I still don't know what her daddy does? Nope. It's because her looks at Whit-Whit could seriously kill.

I know, I know - she's the new Heidi. You kind of like her at first and eventually, she'll backstab our sweet heroine and we'll hate her.

Problem is...I kind of already hate her! She is PRETENDING to have this job! If she wasn't, then brilliant Whit wouldn't get all the responsibility while Olivia, mind you with more fake seniority, becomes her assistant! Here's my theory on all this. Whitney actually earned her internship at Vogue (unlike my girl, LC - nothing against her, but we seriously cannot be expected to believe MTV had nothing to do with that acceptance call). She just happened to be camera-friendly enough to fulfill the need for a work friend on The Hills. Now...do I think that the People's Revolution and DVF jobs were handed to Whit? Of course! Do I think she probably majored in some kind of fashion-related study in college? Yes. Do I think she really wants a career in this and that MTV sort of fell into her lap? ABSOLUTELY. Do I think that Olivia is "working" at DVF so she can be on the show? C'mon, people. Yes.

So, bottom line - in Mollie's book - is that Whit is a good girl who got some seriously good fortune. Honestly - did you see her parents at her going-away party on The Hills? This girl is legit.

Back to my hate for Olivia and her ice-queen looks at Whit. When the boss lady says...

"Olivia - it's very important these displays are right. Whitney will need all the help you can give her."

Olivia could have jumped across the table and slit Whit's throat with her Manolo mini-boot.

Meanwhile - Erin continues her campaign to be my fave. Last week, she's dropping L-Bombs to some dude from Toronto and now...she wants to keep things the way they are. Newsflash...Erin...when you actually LOVE someone, you WANT to live in the same city as them. Sometimes, you even want things to progress beyond the point at which you dropped said L-Bomb. Not my girl - she just likes to be in "love," but she does want all the messiness that goes along with it. Smart choice, lady.

I love her. I also have a small bias for her bangin' bangs.

On other fronts...Whit clearly has my old affliction for accepting dates for everyone who asks her out. Models? SURE!!!! Starving rock stars? SURE! Co-workers!??!?!?!?!!?? ABSOLUTELY!

Poor Co-Worker Chris. He was not a good date. He was fine, alright. Normal. But, man - it was a little painful watching poor Whit-Whit on that date - feigning interest and struggling with conversation. Brought back some fond memories...

Now - are we to think that Whit wasn't trying to make DanJAYrous jealous? I don't buy it for a second. AND IT WORKED. She and Jay are officially an item. He even asked her to go steady.

I love it. You can even be traditional in the fast-paced, wild, unpredictable CITY. That's what MTV would have us believe. Even though it's SO different there - they have the same issues.

Man - are they stealing a page from US Weekly's "Stars! They're just like us!" pages or what!?!?!?

Having an affair with my television,

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