Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I love having my TV back

So, my friend Mollie had this great idea the day I was moving from Denver to San Diego. Why don't we start a blog called Mollie and the Mo and blog about our favorite TV Shows. I hadn't watched television for 3 years due to my lovah at the time not owning a TV and I was in nursing school and working full time, so I had no time.
I finally went shopping and bought me a nice flat screen TV and got Cox Cable and found how nice it is to have High Definition TV! WOW!
I'm glad the new Midseason Television has began. Today I was able to catch several shows.

Oprah's Live Your Best Life from Monday January 5th. First of all, I'm not the biggest Oprah fan, mostly because they dangled a giant Dolly Parton carrot infront of me a few years ago and then pulled it out from under me (but that is another story). So poor Oprah... fat again.... too busy to exercise and eat right is the basic summary of this episode. Oprah gave a history of all her fat years, but this time she got fat "cuz my well is dry"... she does soooo much for other people and doesn't do anything for herself. My fix: Get rid of your magazine, only focus on one show and use your trainer and a private chef. Lord, if I was worth almost a billion dollars, do you think I would be fat? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I'm sorry, I just don't feel sorry for her. Stop being so selfish and greedy, you aren't going to spend all the money before you die, so just let it go and take care of yourself. I also have to say Bob Green is not aging well. He was so hot 10 years ago. I'm watching a day behind, so although Dr. Oz was on today, I won't be watching or blogging until tomorrow.

Martha Stewart Body and Soul Challenge from Tuesday January 6th. Now, this is one classy lady. LOVE HER! Who knew you could make your salad dressing in the bowl prior to putting the lettuce in so you don't have to dirty TWO dishes. Simply BRILLIANT! Then she had Dr. Mark Hyman on who wrote a book that I want to run out and buy called "The Ultra Mind Solution" about how to fend off depression and dementia with food. Lots of handy tips, such as Cilantro helps to decrease inflammation. Four NO NO foods: Alcohol, Sugar, Caffeine, and Cigarettes... Bad for the brain, all of them. He did say the occassional Cosmo is ok. Martha is getting into the holistic health market... like I said, she is BRILLIANT!

True Beauty from Monday January 5th. I don't know how I feel about this show. The HOT people aren't really that hot. The 31 year old vitamin store owner, Bill Jeffrey has a great body and the other guy, Joel Rush was pretty cute. The girls on the show are sooo not cute. Chelsea Bush looks like a Donna Mills reject with all that eye make up, like the judge said "you need a make under". Then Hadiyyah-lah thinks she is god's gift... maybe a gag gift. I was glad she was the first one to get booted, what an attitude she has. Then she lies on top of that. I can't wait for next week, when the guys are all shirtless! MUST SEE TV!

The View from Tuesday January 6th. First of all, I do like Whoopie, but she does not look good in HDTV....whoa. scary! Secondly, I hate Sherry Shepard, she is the dumbest person in the world. Has nothing insightful to say. Today, the interesting guest was Joy Bauer from the Today show. Her diet. No Sugar, eat a lot of peppers and carrots, don't drink pop... yada yada yada.. haven't we all heart this before. It hasn't worked yet, there has to be something better.

Desperate Housewives from Sunday January 4th. Good episode, not necessarily the funniest one, but story lines moved. Nicolette Sheridan looked HOT, especially at the beginning montage of her walking infront of the houses. Loved the heels! I didn't understand why Bree has to buy a doctor and her son a house when combined they probably make more than enough money. So that was a little too much for me. Gabby... loved her conversation with Carlos about how they had to sacrifice for him, now it is his turn. You go girl. Loved that Susan thought she had sex with the gay neighbor. I love Tuc Watkins, the gay neighbor lawyer. MMMMMM, I want to date him!

So this is the first day of posting, I'm sure Mollie will fix it up a bit and organize it for me, since she is sooo good at that. I can't wait to hear her posts. I know I will be watching Nip/Tuck, Damages, Top Chef, Confessions of a Teen Idol and more! Thanks for reading!

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