Saturday, January 10, 2009

Is everybody gay?

Ok, I haven't watched Real World for several seasons now... I'm basically too old. OUCH. I decided to watch this one because they had a tranny on it, and I thought it would be interesting. What I found to be interesting is that all the guys seem gay. Mormon boy was the first one they introduced and I was like "Ohhhh he definitely is the gay one".... but to my surpise, he isn't. He sews and wears a lot of purple and lavendar and has a fanny pack, but he isn't gay... hmmmm. Then military guy who is fascinated with the tranny and has a little bromance going with mormon boy. Hmmmmmmmmm. Then their is HOT trainer guy who is tooo hot to be straight, right? hmmmmmmm... then their is the "actual" gay guy, who is pretty deeelish. Then their is the lesbian who is dating a man now. hmmmmmmmmm Then their is the Tranny who is under the GLBT umbrella. That only leaves two straight girls. Bizarro! LOVE IT! I can't wait to see who sleeps with who and to see hot trainer guy shower.

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